Obesity and Omega 3, what relationship?

Thomas Erpicum, Doctor of Biochemistry and Nutrition,

It is difficult to distinguish between good and bad fats.

Rather than categorizing fats as "good" or "bad", it would be more accurate to say that bad fats are the fats we eat in excess of others.

As part of a diet, fats are often criticized because they are accused of promoting weight gain. On the contrary, they are essential for the proper functioning of our body. They should never be removed from our diet, even when we want to lose weight.

According to nutritionists, fats should represent 30 to 35% of daily energy intake, i.e. around 500 kcal or 60 g of fat per day. Above all, it is very important to respect certain proportions: 25% saturated fat, 50% monounsaturated fat (olive oil) and 25% polyunsaturated fat in the form of the famous Omega 6 and Omega 3.

Today we are pushed by advertising to overconsume saturated fatty acids, trans fatty acids and omega 6 compared to omega 3.

In 50 years, we have seen our dietary balance upset with a decrease in polyunsaturated fats in general but especially with a 20 times greater intake of omega 6 compared to omega 3.

This imbalance and the reduction in our caloric expenditure have caused the appearance of new pathologies associated with obesity.

By favoring fats rich in omega 6, livestock farming and the food industry have led to animal and human obesity since our conception.

An epidemiological survey carried out between 1950 and 2000 on the composition of breast milk showed the evolution of this imbalance with a content today of 20 times more omega 6 than omega 3.

In fifty years, the increase in the omega 6 content in breast milk multiplied by 5 the fat storage cells (preadipocytes) in newborns increasing the risk of childhood obesity.

Philobio brings, by a patented process, omega 3 in quantity and quality in our daily diet and quickly restores the natural balance of fats. This balance is essential to permanently lose our visceral fat and regain our line.

It is important to take Philobio from birth and throughout our lives.