Why take enriched Philobio?
Philobio enriched combines all the compounds you need every day: omega 3, prebiotics (to nourish your flora), probiotics (to restore it) and it is enriched with vitamins and trace elements. Taking enriched Philobio every day means finding a healthy, balanced, complete diet and digestive well-being.

Take Philbio as part of a food rebalancing, a desire to lose weight (abdominal fat), an overly stressful lifestyle, digestive problems, intestinal burning and bloating as well as in case of strong cholesterol and vitamin and trace element deficiency.
After opening with scissors, close the zip of the bag and put it in the fridge. You can keep it for 15 days in the fridge without losing its nutritional qualities.
The enriched Philobio protects your intestine against all external aggressions that can lead to inflammation, in addition it provides you with all the vitamins and trace elements you need. It is therefore recommended to integrate it into your daily diet.
There are no contraindications for taking enriched Philobio because it is 100% natural and provides you with the omega 3, prebiotic fibers and antioxidants you need throughout your life.
Philobio Original and Philobio Enrichi have the same amounts of omega 3, prebiotics and probiotics, however Philobio Enrichi is ultra vitaminized and rich in trace elements. It therefore replaces vitamin intake.